《出發吧!與Dr. Dumo到森林看診去!》互動兒童繪本
Let's Go! Wilderness Calls with Dr. Dumo! Children's Book
Dr. Dumo與熟悉本地森林的豹貓Nurse Leonard到森林裏看診。他們遇到激動的野豬、怒氣沖沖的豪豬、害怕得顫抖的穿山甲、汪汪大叫的赤麂、拼力掙扎的短吻果蝠、憂心忡忡的水獺⋯⋯牠們在香港野外居住時遇到甚麼困難和病痛?你想不想與Dr. Dumo一起救治牠們?出發吧!與Dr. Dumo到森林看診去,認識本地哺乳類動物。
Dr. Dumo is doing house calls in the forest with Nurse Leonard, a local leopard cat. They meet frenzied boars, a frustrated porcupine, a frightened pangolin, a frantic barking deer, a strangled fruit bat, an anxious otter… What challenges and illnesses do mammals face living Hong Kong? Do you want to help Dr. Dumo treat the animals? Off we go! Join Dr. Dumo on his wilderness calls and learn about the mammals of Hong Kong.

繪本特色 Features
小樹林自然教育與《抗疫小夥伴》作者李揚立之醫生聯合製作 A collaboration between Little Woods Nature Education and Dr. Lucci Lugee Liyeung, author of Dr Dumo et al. to the Rescue!
故事根據動物真實的行為習性和新聞報導而編寫,深入淺出向讀者介紹較少見和神秘的香港哺乳類生物,並帶出一些人類與野生動物之間的衝突 The story is written based on the featured animals’ habits in real life with local news stories as reference, introducing readers to the more secretive mammals of Hong Kong
繪本加入立體效果和其他互動元素,增加趣味,令讀者更投入閱讀 The book includes fun interactive elements such as pop-ups to engage readers
故事內包含一些反思問題,引發讀者思考如何讓人與自然共處 The story includes questions to allow readers to contemplate and reflect on how humans coexist with nature

規格 Format

大小 Size:21cm x 21cm
釘裝 Binding:精裝本 Hardcover
頁數 Number of pages:36
價錢 Price:HK$178(連運費 Free Shipping)
語言 Language:中英對照 Bilingual, Chinese-English
在其中9頁有立體或互動元素 Pop-up/interactive elements in 9 pages of the book
以大豆墨印刷 Printed with soy-based ink
可以以一本HK$158捐贈書本給學校 You can choose to donate the book to local schools ($158/book)
Free Book for Primary Schools and Kindergartens

Because of the support from our Kickstarter’s backers, we are able to gift the book to 200-250 kindergartens and primary schools. If your school is interested in getting the book, sign up below!
一間學校可獲送一本 Each school can get one free copy
Kickstarter 募資計畫 Kickstarter Project

We started a Kickstarter project to help us publish the book and has successfully reached our crowdfunding goal in 2022. We hope to showcase local mammals and their challenges of living in the city, to raise awareness and interest on local biodiversity. Moreover, which the funds we received, we will gift the book for free to over 200 local schools in Hong Kong, to provide them with informative and interactive teaching material about Hong Kong’s ecology. If you are interested in donating the book to local schools, please click the purchase link above.